Monday, September 22, 2008

My Bro's Rules of Life

#1 - it is all a game
#2 - the end game for all species is extinction
#3 - optics & perception rule the world
#4 - lack of communication is the root of all evil
#5 - see rule #1

He challenges: "Tell me where they don't apply..."

What do you think?


Tim said...

They work for me!

Sara said...

"Over communicate" Ha Ha

john said...

Bro...I think you said it best to me one day in the most simplest of ways....LIVE LIFE!


I agree with number 4 - it's so annoying when you meet someone who can't communicate with you properly or doesn't want to talk about something (in a kid of general way, not a deep dark secrets way!)
Ciao, love the blog!

Tim said...

please add rule #5 - "there are no absolutes" and change current #5 to state "see rule #1"