Tuesday, January 13, 2009

daily dose o'mady

sara made a run to party city today. looks like st patrick's day has come early to the waire household....

...and yes, even dada joined in on the fun...

...and no alcohol was involved :)


Sara said...

Re: Mady; So cute. Re: You; I know I took the picture but wow, I don't know what to say. Maybe I should get you one too? We could run the 5k like that holding hands? :)

john said...

i'll just wear mady's if/when the mood strikes me :)

Anonymous said...

John you look creepy.

Anonymous said...

careful John you might get picked up on St. Patty's Day looking like this by a host of undesireables... LOL :)

john said...

trust me...this is not a regular thing :)

Anonymous said...

Mady looks adorable. You on the other hand? lol. I love how she's always got Sara's glasses on. What a hoot. (a hoot? what am I 90? lol)

Alisae said...

Hahaha, just love it! I thought the same thing, St. Patrick's Day?? Isn't it a bit early but after reading your post I get it. Mady is adorable, but John I have to agree with Bory, you look a bit creepy. LOL
Have a great Day!

john said...

muhuhahaha! :)

i'm not a weirdo...honest.

Anonymous said...

Your girl is too cute! I too love how she's always wearing mama's glasses. You kind of remind me of those people wearing the Wendy's wig...

john said...

damn grace! i think you hit the nail on the head :)

thanks for stopping by.